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Canada's #1 Junior Golf Tour

Canada's #1 Junior Golf Tour

The Road to College Golf, run exclusively by PGA Professionals


The following is excerpted from email received from 21 year old MJT member Hansol Koh, of New Westminster, BC, who conditionally qualified for the Canadian Tour last week. Koh has played more than 25 rounds on the MJT in four years, most recently competing in MJT tournaments at Redwoods, Meadow Gardens and Boundary Bay golf courses in British Columbia.

"My name is Hansol Koh and I played on the MJT for 4 years. In that time I have learned to play in tournament situations. A couple of days ago I played in the Canadian Tour Q-School and I got my tour card. I would just like
to say thank you to everyone at MJT for giving me
the experience to take my game to the next level."

Well done Hansol from the MJT!
Developing Champions. In golf. In life.